CODE BLUE is looking for innovative and creative research topics regarding information security to be presented at the conference.
Basic Speaking format: 60 minutes, with simultaneous translation (English-Japanese). If you speak other languages, please let us know in your remarks.
In addition, CODE BLUE 2015 will have youth sessions for under-25, and general session for non-technical focus topics.
CFP has been closed for this year. Thank you so much for a lot of application!
- 1.To submit, please fill up the form below.
- 2.We accept your proposal in English and Japanese.
- 3.CODE BLUE does not accept product or vender related sales pitch type talks.
- 4.All presentations must be submitted by the original authors.
- 5.We urges you to submit your talk topic early before the CFP closes since we will close the CFP prior to the closing date if enough quality submissions are received to fill the slots.
- 6.You can give your talks in English or Japanese, we provide the translation. (Giving talks in Korean/Chinese etc.、should be considerable).
- 7.[Under-25] Applicant must be at age of 24 or younger as of January 1 2015.
- 8.[Under-25] To apply for CFP of Youth Track, write your age in the age field.
- 9.[Under-25] We may ask your identification to check your age.
- 1.Your presentation should be both in English and Japanese. It is desireble if speakers can prepare them in both, however, we will help you for the translation. Please let us know if you need our translation beforehand.
- 2.After your proposal has been accepted, immediately send us your talk abstract, speaker bio and speaker photo to be included in the conference program and web site.
- 3.Deadline for your submission to the CFP is Sep.30.2015 to allow enough time for your presentation to be translated.
- 4.CODE BLUE will support the travel airfare/honorarium for one speaker per session.
Please fill out the form below.
[ Main/General Track ] | |
[ Under-25 ] | (For Youth Track CFP application) |
*If you have a second presenter with you, you can add his/her information in Bio. CODE BLUE will support the travel airfare/honorarium for one speaker per session. |
CFP Closing : Sep.10th 2015 (The CFP might close early)
If you have any questions regarding to CFP, email us at .
CODE BLUE is (ISC)2 Certified Event to earn CPE Credits.